Let go and breathe in the real you

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8y ago
What Could I Have Done?

Under most circumstances, we all act according to our inherent nature.

8y ago
The Secret of Happiness

Sometimes the most profound realization comes not in flow but in stagnation, when life challenges you...

9y ago
A Spiritual Experience

Here's a beautiful story from the life of a saint showing the power of a genuine spiritual experience.

9y ago
Kundalini — An Untold Story

The origin of kundalini goes back to the most ancient Puranic lore beginning with Shiva and his consort...

9y ago
The Essence of Friendship

Friends are like different flowers in a bouquet, each one has its own beauty, fragrance and color.

10y ago
Himalayan Silence

Silence of the mind is the greatest blessing, for, peace and wisdom sprout from the seeds of such silence

11y ago
How to Get Over Hurt

When you discover your inner sanctuary, you become like the gentle stream. You keep moving.

11y ago
Do Dreams Mean Anything?

Am I the butterfly dreaming I'm Chuang Tzu or the other way around? What are dreams?

12y ago
3 Ways To Deal with Negative People

The negativity of others is like a river. When negative thoughts start they flow non-stop. Don't take a dip in that river.

13y ago
Emotional Healing — Getting Over the Pain

Whatever you do or experience, leaves a psychic imprint behind. Healing is erasing those imprints.

13y ago
Shravana – The Practice of Listening

Good listening requires that you are attentive, in the present moment. And living in the present immediately makes you calm like a lake.

13y ago
The First Step in Meditation

What is the first step for a meditator or a householder on the path of spirituality or self-realization?

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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